in the Liliaceae famil

Are onions in the Liliaceae family?

Are onions in the Liliaceae family?

Family: Alliaceae onion family Species in the Alliaceae are perennial herbs. The leaves grow from a bulb at the base of the plant.

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What is in the alliaceae family?

What is in the alliaceae family?

onion, (Allium cepa), herbaceous biennial plant in the amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae), grown for its edible bulb. The onion is likely native to southwestern Asia but is now grown throughout the world, chiefly in the temperate zones.

Are amaryllis related to onions?

The flowers are often grouped in an umbel (like an umbrella), or sometimes solitary, and typially emerge from a spathe-like bract (a modified leaf wrapped around the flowerhead). Otherwise, individual flowers are typical lily-like blossoms with 3 sepals and 3 petals that are identical in size and color.

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