How long is the flight from LA to Michigan?

How long is the flight from LA to Michigan?

How long is the flight from LA to Michigan?

Flight time from Los Angeles to Michigan City is 4 hours 19 minutes. Distance from Los Angeles to Michigan City is approximately 2880 kilometers.

How far is Los Angeles from Michigan by plane?

Distance from Michigan to Los-Angeles The shortest distance (air line) between Michigan and Los-Angeles is 1,871.03 mi (3,011.14 km).

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How many hours is it from Los Angeles to Michigan?

Flying time from Los Angeles, CA to Michigan The total flight duration from Los Angeles, CA to Michigan is 4 hours, 20 minutes.

How long does it take to get to Michigan from Los Angeles?

How long does it take to get to Michigan from Los Angeles?

Distance from Michigan to Los-Angeles The shortest distance (air line) between Michigan and Los-Angeles is 1,871.03 mi (3,011.14 km).

How long is a flight from California to Michigan?

How long is the drive from Michigan to Los Angeles, CA? The total driving time is 32 hours, 33 minutes.

How far is Michigan from California by plane hours?

The total flight duration from California to Michigan is 4 hours, 21 minutes.

How much is the ticket from Los Angeles to Detroit?

Flight time from Los Angeles to Michigan City is 4 hours 19 minutes. Distance from Los Angeles to Michigan City is approximately 2880 kilometers.

How far is Michigan from LA flight?

The average price for one way flights from Los Angeles, California to Detroit is $108. The average price for round trip flights from Los Angeles, California to Detroit is $175.

How long is the flight from Los Angeles to Michigan?

The total flight duration from Los Angeles, CA to Michigan is 4 hours, 20 minutes.

How far is Michigan from La plane?

The shortest distance (air line) between Michigan and Los-Angeles is 1,871.03 mi (3,011.14 km).

Is Michigan close to LA?

How long is the drive from Michigan to Los Angeles, CA? The total driving time is 32 hours, 33 minutes.

How many hours is a flight from LA to Michigan?

Flight time from Los Angeles to Michigan City is 4 hours 19 minutes. Distance from Los Angeles to Michigan City is approximately 2880 kilometers.

How long does it take to drive to Los Angeles to Michigan?

Distance from Michigan to Los-Angeles The shortest distance (air line) between Michigan and Los-Angeles is 1,871.03 mi (3,011.14 km).

How long is journey from LA to Michigan?

How long is the drive from Michigan to Los Angeles, CA? The total driving time is 32 hours, 33 minutes.

How far is LA from Michigan by plane?

Flight time from Los Angeles to Michigan City is 4 hours 19 minutes. Distance from Los Angeles to Michigan City is approximately 2880 kilometers

How long is California from Michigan by car?

approximately 35h 37m

How many hours is from California to Michigan by plane?

The total flight duration from California to Michigan is 4 hours, 21 minutes.

How far is Michigan to California by plane?

The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from Michigan to California (as the crow flies), which is about 1,922 miles or 3 094 kilometers. Your trip begins in the state of Michigan. It ends in the state of California.

How many hours is California to Michigan?

How long is the drive from California to Michigan? The total driving time is 34 hours, 16 minutes.

How long is a flight from Cali to Detroit?

The total flight duration from California to Detroit, MI is 4 hours, 30 minutes.

How many hours is it from California to Michigan?

The total flight duration from California to Michigan is 4 hours, 21 minutes.

How far is Michigan from California flying?

How far is Michigan from California flying?

How long is the drive from California to Michigan? The total driving time is 34 hours, 16 minutes.

How much does it cost to fly from Los Angeles to Michigan?

The average price for one way flights from Los Angeles, California to Saginaw, Michigan is $227. The average price for round trip flights from Los Angeles, California to Saginaw, Michigan is $550.

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