What city is located 21 degrees north 157 degrees west?

What city is located 21 degrees north 157 degrees west?

Honolulu, HI

What is the country found at 20 N 157 W?

Co-ordinatesCountry, territory or seaNotes20xb056u2032N 157xb00u2032WUnited StatesHawaii Lanai island20xb050u2032N 157xb00u2032WPacific Ocean60xb00u2032S 157xb00u2032WSouthern Ocean77xb020u2032S 157xb00u2032WAntarcticaRoss Dependency, claimed by New Zealand7 more rows

What country is 20 N 155 W?

Locating Hawaii on the Earth Hawaii is in the northern hemisphere and is located 20xb0 north of the equator and 155xb0 west of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England) as shown on the cutaway globe to the right.

Where is 21 degrees north latitude?

The 21st parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 21 degrees north of the Earth’s equatorial plane. It crosses Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, North America, the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean

Where is 21 North and 157 West?

Honolulu, HI, USA is located at United States country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 21xb0 18′ 56.1708” N and 157xb0 51′ 29.1348” W.

What country is 20 degrees north latitude and 157 degrees west longitude?

Co-ordinatesCountry, territory or seaNotes20xb056u2032N 157xb00u2032WUnited StatesHawaii Lanai island20xb050u2032N 157xb00u2032WPacific Ocean60xb00u2032S 157xb00u2032WSouthern Ocean77xb020u2032S 157xb00u2032WAntarcticaRoss Dependency, claimed by New Zealand7 more rows

What country is 20 degrees north and 155 degrees west?

Locating Hawaii on the Earth Hawaii is in the northern hemisphere and is located 20xb0 north of the equator and 155xb0 west of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England) as shown on the cutaway globe to the right.

What country is located at 20 N 90 W?

Honolulu, HI

What continent do you find at 20 N 140 E?

Locating Hawaii on the Earth Hawaii is in the northern hemisphere and is located 20xb0 north of the equator and 155xb0 west of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England) as shown on the cutaway globe to the right.

What city is located 20 degrees north and 155 degrees west?

Hawaii is in the northern hemisphere and is located 20xb0 north of the equator and 155xb0 west of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England) as shown on the cutaway globe to the right.

What island or island group on Map 1 is located at approximately 20 N 156 W?

Co-ordinatesCountry, territory or seaNotes20xb056u2032N 157xb00u2032WUnited StatesHawaii Lanai island20xb050u2032N 157xb00u2032WPacific Ocean60xb00u2032S 157xb00u2032WSouthern Ocean77xb020u2032S 157xb00u2032WAntarcticaRoss Dependency, claimed by New Zealand7 more rows

What is at 19 degrees north and 155 degrees west?

NWNNESWSSE1 more row

What is same latitude as Hawaii?

Hawaii shares the same general latitude of 20xb0N with cities and environments such as Hong Kong, Mecca, the Sahara Desert and Mexico City. The state of Hawaii has four counties: City and County of Honolulu, Kauai, Maui and Hawaii (the Big Island).

What parallel is Hawaii on?

21st parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 21 degrees north of the Earth’s equatorial plane.Around the world.Co-ordinatesCountry, territory or seaNotes21xb00u2032N 156xb040u2032WUnited StatesIsland of Maui, Hawaii21xb00u2032N 156xb033u2032WPacific Ocean37 more rows

Which is the place located at the 20 degree north latitude?

Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, North America, the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean.Around the world.Co-ordinatesCountry, territory or seaNotes20xb00u2032N 72xb043u2032WHaitiIsland of Tortuga32 more rows

What city is located at 20 degrees north and 155 degrees west?

Honolulu, HI

What country is 20 North 100 West?

Hawaii is in the northern hemisphere and is located 20xb0 north of the equator and 155xb0 west of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England) as shown on the cutaway globe to the right.

What city is 21 degrees north and 157 degrees west?

Locating Hawaii on the Earth Hawaii is in the northern hemisphere and is located 20xb0 north of the equator and 155xb0 west of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England) as shown on the cutaway globe to the right.

Which Caribbean country is located 20 degrees north and 75 degrees west?

Honolulu, HI, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info Honolulu, HI, USA is located at United States country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 21xb0 18′ 56.1708” N and 157xb0 51′ 29.1348” W.

What country is 23 degrees north latitude and 105 degrees west longitude?

Around the world.Co-ordinatesCountry, territory or seaNotes20xb00u2032N 77xb038u2032WCuba20xb00u2032N 74xb052u2032WCaribbean SeaWindward Passage20xb00u2032N 72xb043u2032WHaitiIsland of Tortuga30 more rows

Where is 19 degrees north and 155 degrees west?

Hawaii is in the northern hemisphere and is located 20xb0 north of the equator and 155xb0 west of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England) as shown on the cutaway globe to the right.

What city is located at about 30 N 90 W?

New Orleans

What city is located at 19 N 99 W?

Tlalnepantla location and latitude and longitude.

What islands are located on the equator at 90?

Co-ordinatesCountry, territory or seaNotes20xb056u2032N 157xb00u2032WUnited StatesHawaii Lanai island20xb050u2032N 157xb00u2032WPacific Ocean60xb00u2032S 157xb00u2032WSouthern Ocean77xb020u2032S 157xb00u2032WAntarcticaRoss Dependency, claimed by New Zealand7 more rows

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