What port is 6667?

What port is 6667?

What port is 6667?

Side note: UDP port 6667 uses the Datagram Protocol, a communications protocol for the Internet network layer, transport layer, and session layer. This protocol when used over PORT 6667 makes possible the transmission of a datagram message from one computer to an application running in another computer.

What is port 6667 IRC used for?

As a result, the well-known port for IRC is 6667, which is a high-number port that does not require elevated privileges. However, an IRC server can also be configured to run on other ports as well. IRC is a simple but powerful protocol for text-based chat

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Which protocol typically uses port 6667?

IRC. Internet Relay Chat, commonly found on ports 6667,6668,6669, and 7000, but really, found on most any port.

What is 1522 port used for?


What is the use of port 514?

What is the use of port 514?

IRC. Internet Relay Chat, commonly found on ports 6667,6668,6669, and 7000, but really, found on most any port.

What is the port name for port 427?

svrloc 427 udp

What are the 3 types of port?

There are several styles of Port, including red, white, ros, and an aged style called Tawny Port. While much of the Port we see in the supermarket is of average quality, there are many fine Port wines that are highly treasured and cost several hundred dollars.

What does TCP port 6667 do?

Side note: UDP port 6667 uses the Datagram Protocol, a communications protocol for the Internet network layer, transport layer, and session layer. This protocol when used over PORT 6667 makes possible the transmission of a datagram message from one computer to an application running in another computer

What is IRC protocol used for?

IRC. Internet Relay Chat, commonly found on ports 6667,6668,6669, and 7000, but really, found on most any port.

How does IRC chat work?

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a protocol for real-time text messaging between internet-connected computers created in 1988. It is mainly used for group discussion in chat rooms called channels although it supports private messages between two users, data transfer, and various server-side and client-side commands.

What port does protocol use?

Side note: UDP port 6667 uses the Datagram Protocol, a communications protocol for the Internet network layer, transport layer, and session layer. This protocol when used over PORT 6667 makes possible the transmission of a datagram message from one computer to an application running in another computer

Which protocol uses port 104 by default?

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine

What uses TCP port 9000?

TCP/9000 is used for the mail communication port of the internet Linux work dubbed Linux/PnScan (worm type). The port TCP/9000 is used for the main CNC (control center) communication for inbound and outbound traffic with trhis ttrojans specific protocol.

What purpose is the port used for?

A port is a number used to uniquely identify a transaction over a network by specifying both the host, and the service. They are necessary to differentiate between many different IP services, such as web service (HTTP), mail service (SMTP), and file transfer (FTP).

What is 2049 port used for?

Network File System (NFS) is used by UNIX clients for file access. NFS uses port 2049. NFSv3 and NFSv2 use the portmapper service on TCP or UDP port 111. The portmapper service is consulted to get the port numbers for services used with NFSv3 or NFSv2 protocols such as mountd, statd, and nlm.

What does port 5432 do?

5432 (PostgreSQL) is used for Adaptive Authentication (TCP). Port 5432 is opened for the Postgres database used in the Behavioral Analytics feature of PCS. While scanning, customers may raise queries on 5432 Port as this port is enabled on the internal interface. However, an attacker cannot connect to it.

What service runs on port 6667?

IRC is a TCP-based service. Servers generally listen for incoming connections (from both clients and other servers) on port 6667, although some servers use other port numbers. Clients (and servers contacting other servers) use ports above 1023. Clients use ports above 1023 to talk to other clients using DCC.

What is 514 TCP filtered shell?

Port 514 is sometimes used for Remote Shell, a command called rsh. It is for remote control of a server but by default does not provide for encryption or passwords. Almost like telnet but with a shell around it. It is legacy software that most people do not use.

Is syslog 514 TCP or UDP?


What is network port 541 used for?

Port 541 is the default port used for FortiManager traffic on the internal management network.

What port does syslog use?


What are port names?

Some of the most commonly used ports, along with their associated networking protocol, are:

  • Ports 20 and 21: File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
  • Port 22: Secure Shell (SSH).
  • Port 25: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
  • Port 53: Domain Name System (DNS).
  • Port 80: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

What protocol is port 443?

What protocol is port 443?


What port does SMB use?

SMB has always been a network file sharing protocol. As such, SMB requires network ports on a computer or server to enable communication to other systems. SMB uses either IP port 139 or 445

What are the 3 styles of port?

There are several styles of Port, including red, white, ros, and an aged style called Tawny Port. While much of the Port we see in the supermarket is of average quality, there are many fine Port wines that are highly treasured and cost several hundred dollars.

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