What shouldn’t you plant next to cucumbers?

What shouldn’t you plant next to cucumbers?

Two plants to avoid planting near cucumbers are melons and potatoes. Sage is not recommended as a companion plant near cucumbers either. While sage shouldn’t be planted near cucumbers, oregano is a popular pest control herb and will do well as a companion plant.

What grows well beside cucumbers?

Cucumber Plant beside asparagus, beans, Brassicas, celery, corn, dill, kohlrabi, lettuce, onion, peas, radish, and tomatoes. Avoid planting near potatoes and sage. Both corn and sunflowers can act as a trellis for cucumbers to good effect.

Can I plant tomatoes and cucumbers next to each other?

Tomatoes Tomatoes and cucumbers grow well together, especially in the greenhouse, so they are ideal companion plants. They do well in similar soil conditions and take around the same to grow and be ready for harvest.

What grows under cucumber trellis?

7 Companion Plants to Grow Alongside Cucumbers

  • Corn. You can use corn stalks as natural trellises for vining cucumbers, which is a great way to save space and maximize garden efficiency.
  • Dill.
  • Legumes.
  • Marigolds.
  • Nasturtiums.
  • Root vegetables.
  • Sunflowers.


What is good to plant with cucumbers?

CARROTS, PARSNIPS, RADISHES and ONIONS are good choice for cucumber companion planting as they do not encroach on each other’s territory. The root vegetables primarily grow beneath the soil, whereas cucumbers send down one larger tap root and also a few shallow roots that don’t extend far.

Can cucumbers and zucchini be planted together?

As with other squash plants, it is not advisable to plant zucchini and cucumbers together. Cucumbers are members of the Cucurbitaceae family, just like zucchini and so they will compete for space and nutrients. Also, growing several similar plants in the same area can make it easier for pests to find the plants.

What vegetables should not be planted next to cucumbers?

melons and potatoes. Sage is not recommended as a companion plant near cucumbers either.Plants that grow well with cucumbers include legumes, as mentioned, but also the following:

  • Broccoli.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Corn.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peas legume.
  • Beans legume.
  • Radishes.

Do cucumbers and zucchini grow well together?

Tomatoes Tomatoes and cucumbers grow well together, especially in the greenhouse, so they are ideal companion plants. They do well in similar soil conditions and take around the same to grow and be ready for harvest.

Can two cucumber plants grow together?

As with other squash plants, it is not advisable to plant zucchini and cucumbers together. Cucumbers are members of the Cucurbitaceae family, just like zucchini and so they will compete for space and nutrients. Also, growing several similar plants in the same area can make it easier for pests to find the plants.

What should not be planted with tomatoes?

What should not be planted with tomatoes?

  • Brassicas (including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts) – inhibit tomato growth.
  • Potatoes – along with tomatoes are also in the nightshade family so they will be competing for the same nutrients and will also be susceptible to the same diseases.

What can you not plant near cucumbers?

melons and potatoes. Sage is not recommended as a companion plant near cucumbers either.Plants that grow well with cucumbers include legumes, as mentioned, but also the following:

  • Broccoli.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Corn.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peas legume.
  • Beans legume.
  • Radishes.

Can you grow tomatoes peppers and cucumbers together?

Cucumbers Like tomatoes and beans, cucumbers could also be grown up cordons or supports to make the most of a smaller growing area. They can do well alongside your tomatoes and peppers because they require similar growing conditions

Will cucumbers climb a tomato cage?

Tomato cage is refer to round tomato cage which fully welding of heavy steel wires. It have the similar function with tomato tower, they provide all-round support for tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, zucchini, pepper and other fast growing vines climbing plants

What grows well next to cucumbers?

CARROTS, PARSNIPS, RADISHES and ONIONS are good choice for cucumber companion planting as they do not encroach on each other’s territory. The root vegetables primarily grow beneath the soil, whereas cucumbers send down one larger tap root and also a few shallow roots that don’t extend far.

What should not be planted next to cucumbers?

melons and potatoes. Sage is not recommended as a companion plant near cucumbers either.Plants that grow well with cucumbers include legumes, as mentioned, but also the following:

  • Broccoli.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Corn.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peas legume.
  • Beans legume.
  • Radishes.

Can you trellis cucumbers and tomatoes together?

Tomatoes Tomatoes and cucumbers grow well together, especially in the greenhouse, so they are ideal companion plants.

Can tomatoes and cucumbers be planted together?

melons and potatoes. Sage is not recommended as a companion plant near cucumbers either.Plants that grow well with cucumbers include legumes, as mentioned, but also the following:

  • Broccoli.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Corn.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peas legume.
  • Beans legume.
  • Radishes.

Can I plant cucumbers and peppers together?

Tomatoes Tomatoes and cucumbers grow well together, especially in the greenhouse, so they are ideal companion plants. They do well in similar soil conditions and take around the same to grow and be ready for harvest.

What can you not plant next to zucchini?

Avoid planting zucchini and summer squash with all other vining plants which include cucumbers and sweet potatoes as well as pumpkins, winter squashes and melons.

What should you not plant next to cucumbers?

melons and potatoes. Sage is not recommended as a companion plant near cucumbers either.Plants that grow well with cucumbers include legumes, as mentioned, but also the following:

  • Broccoli.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Corn.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peas legume.
  • Beans legume.
  • Radishes.

Can you plant squash next to cucumbers?

Although, if you are concerned with cross pollination between your squash because you intend to harvest the seeds, then you probably plant them far apart from each other. Rest assured though, your cucumbers and squash are perfectly safe if you leave them unescorted in your vegetable beds

What grows well next to zucchini?

Zucchini is one of the three sister vegetables (beans, corn, and squash) meaning that they all grow well together.

Why should you not plant cucumbers near tomatoes?

Cucumbers’ and Tomatoes’ Shared Diseases Phytophthora blight and root rot are more serious issues as these disease pathogens can ravage both cucumbers and tomatoes. Plants can be treated with commercial fungicides as a preventive measure, but it’s better to just use good cultivation practices.

What can you plant next to cucumbers?

7 Companion Plants to Grow Alongside Cucumbers

  • Corn. You can use corn stalks as natural trellises for vining cucumbers, which is a great way to save space and maximize garden efficiency.
  • Dill.
  • Legumes.
  • Marigolds.
  • Nasturtiums.
  • Root vegetables.
  • Sunflowers.


What vegetables should not be planted close together?

Other commonly believed plant incompatibilities include the following plants to avoid near one another:

  • Mint and onions where asparagus is growing.
  • Pole beans and mustard near beets.
  • Anise and dill neighboring carrots.
  • Cucumber, pumpkin, radish, sunflower, squash, or tomatoes close to potato hills.

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