en que regiones de la republica mexicana no se puede cultivar cafe

en que regiones de la republica mexicana no se puede cultivar cafe – ¿Por qué no se puede cultivar café en algunas regiones del país?

Why can’t coffee be grown in some regions of the country?

Coffee cultivation demands climatic conditions that are not those of northern Mexico, dominated by the deserts of Sonora and Chihuahua, with a predominance of arid and semi-arid conditions, and a climate that ranges from dry to very dry. The optimum temperature for coffee is between 19 and 21.5 ºC.

What regions of the Republic can grow coffee and in which not?

The states where it is successfully produced are Chiapas, Puebla, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Veracruz and Hidalgo. From the biological point of view, the areas where coffee cultivation abounds are distinguished by being regions rich in flora and fauna, such as the state of Chiapas.

What regions can coffee be grown?

What regions can coffee be grown?Coffee is produced on an area of ​​761 thousand hectares in twelve states of the Mexican Republic, located in the central-southern part of the country. These states are: Colima, Chiapas, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Tabasco and Veracruz.

Where is more coffee consumed in Mexico?

Oaxaca (66 thousand 451 tons); Guerrero (42 thousand 672 tons); Hidalgo (29 thousand 995 tons); San Luis Potosí (10 thousand 387 tons); Jalisco (4,869 tons); Nayarit (3,554 tons) and Colima (2,621 tons).

What conditions harm coffee cultivation?

Coffee is the fruit of the coffee tree and this plant is very sensitive to the weather; Sudden changes in temperature or temperatures above 25°C can have negative effects on the plantation. Another relevant factor is the altitude, the ideal being between 1,540 and 2,440 meters above sea level.

What problems does Mexico face when marketing its coffee in the world?

Pests, Diseases and Fungi

Pests, diseases and fungi have become a real threat to many growers. Rust is one of the most famous diseases, and has been affecting coffee crops for more than a century. In 2012, it hit Central America hard.

What is the name of where they grow coffee?

What is the name of where they grow coffee?In Mexico, coffee is grown in 12 states: Chiapas, Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, Nayarit, Colima, Jalisco, Querétaro, Tabasco.

Where did coffee originate in Mexico?

The introduction of coffee in Mexico dates back to the early nineteenth century. In the state of Michoacán it was introduced by Don Mariano Michelena, or in 1822 in Yautepec, Morelos by Jaime Salvat, however there are versions that it was brought from Cuba by the Spanish Antonio Salebert in 1784.

Who drinks coffee in Mexico?

Per capita consumption of coffee in the country is 1,600 kilograms per year. According to PROFECO, 85% of Mexicans drink from one to three cups a day and it is men who consume more: 3 cups compared to two cups that women take. And according to FIRA in Mexico, coffee consumption increases 2% each year.

What is the consumption of coffee in Mexico?

What is the consumption of coffee in Mexico?A Mexican consumes about 1.6 kg of coffee per year.

Who is the largest consumer of coffee?

USA: It is the largest consumer country of coffee; however, its per capita consumption is relatively low, 4 to 6 kilos/person/year.

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