How long does it take for doves to find a field

How long does it take for doves to find a field?

How long does it take for doves to find a field?

Remember, it takes 60 days to grow millet to maturity (good seed formation). If it is not raining and weather allows, you can cut, bale and remove the hay within a week. You need another week or 2 for doves to find the field and start feeding. This is somewhere around 75-80 days before you are ready to hunt.

What is the best bait for doves?

Corn is king for doves, but a mixture of food, such as corn and sunflowers, will often attract more birds to your hunting setup.

Also check: What is the best bait for doves?

What kind of fields do doves like?

Sunflowers are a traditional choice for dove fields, and a well-managed sunflower field is likely to provide enough food for birds throughout the season. However, modern seed blends developed with birds in mind are attractive and palatable for mourning doves, and mixed fields oftentimes provide the best results.

What kind of fields do doves like?

How do you make the best dove field?

The basic ingredients for a good dove field are no secret. Plant plenty of food, give ’em a little water, provide grit, open ground, and a handful of places for the birds to sit. Then, carefully manage the hunting pressure.

How do you get a dove to come to your field?

Providing a range of grains and seeds is a sure way to attract doves, and they are partial to sunflower seeds, millet, milo, cracked corn, and wheat. Because these are larger birds, they prefer feeding on the ground or using large, stable tray or platform feeders that have adequate room to perch.

How long does it take to dove hunt?

Important laws and regulations to consider include the following: Shoot time for doves is one half hour before sunrise to sunset. All hunters including junior hunting license holders are required to carry their hunting license with them.

When should I mow my dove field?

Michael Foster of the University of Georgia’s cooperative extension recommends mowing the field, with the mower set as close to the ground as possible, 10 to 14 days prior to hunting. This allows enough time for birds to find the seed and begin to use the field.

What is the best time of day to hunt doves?

If hunting in the morning, dove hunters should set up no later than sunrise. Evening shooters will be most successful right before dusk. Both beginners and experienced dove hunters must resist the temptation to fire off rounds until doves cross into range. This means knowing the effective range of your choke.

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